Random Thoughts

There is not much new or different happening. It seems as if everything here at the gulch has settled into a holding pattern. Kind of like a bleak and gray waiting room. One day blends into the next so much that sometimes it is hard to even decipher just which day it is………

Hunter has been wanting to play outside. However it is just warm enough most days to turn the frozen mud into liquid mud. He has gone out a few times only to quickly come back in because “it’s no fun to play out there, my trucks just get stuck in the mud.” Then he asks when will it be springtime? Why isn’t the sun shining?  Why is my swing set always wet? Poor little guy, I understand how he feels. I am longing to be outside too.

After the drought we experienced last summer and into the fall, I am grateful for all the precipitation. I am also hoping that we continue to have regular rain and not have a repeat of last summer. But a sunny day here and there would be really nice too.

I am looking forward to when the outdoor flea markets open in April. I have been seriously thinking about digging out my soap making supplies, making up a few batches of different kinds of soap and see if it sells at the flea market. That way the supplies would pay for themselves and I would have another creative outlet. But if I am going to do that I need to start making soap soon. The soap needs time to set up and cure. It is not a make it today, use it tomorrow type of thing.

I also have a few other ideas of things I could put out for sale at the flea market. My thoughts have rather wide ranging, thinking about some of the home made things I have seen sell there. I am going to have to put in some serious thought and then get busy. I guess the worst that could happen would be that none of it would sell and I would then have my own supply of hand made soap.

The World is Gray

So far this month we have had more days of dreary overcast than we have seen the sun. There has been a few moments of teaser sunshine, along with a couple of either mornings or afternoons of sunshine. We have some clear nights only to have the clouds return with the daylight.

We have experienced every form of precipitation to go along with the clouds. There has been rain, sleet, freezing rain and snow. Even throw in severe thunderstorms, wind and tornadoes. The temperatures have been sliding up and down to follow along with the precipitation, highs in the upper sixties, sliding down to lows in the lower teens.

After the drought we experienced last summer and into the fall, the rain has been most welcome. The cistern is full, but I still find myself conserving water. In reality this is not a bad thing because it means that I do not take our water supply for granted. Not that I did before, but I am much more conscious of it.

Snow and Peanut butter Cookies

We have had some winter type weather as of late. So far we have had freezing rain, sleet and snow. There is a layer of ice on everything, and now we have snow covering the ice. Last week there were warm temperatures, thunderstorms and tornadoes. For now, the wintry weather is supposed to continue into next week.

Hunter was thrilled to find that it was snowing when he got up this morning. He was in such a hurry to get outside and play in the snow that he tried to convince me that he didn’t need to have breakfast first. Fat chance on that one. So after he ate, out he went.  But there was enough wind that he didn’t stay out very long. After he warmed up and had some lunch he is now back outside and having fun enjoying the snow.

While he was inside warming up we baked some peanut butter cookies. He was almost as excited about the cookies as he was the snow. He gets so much enjoyment out of watching ingredients go together and become something special.  He is endlessly fascinated with watching and helping in the kitchen.

For me, this type of weather begs for things like beef stew, a slow cooked roast, or a host of other cold weather comfort foods. There is nothing better than coming in from the cold outside to the tantalizing aroma of something cooking low and slow. Mingling that scent with the soothing warmth from the wood stove and a big mug of hot cocoa, life is good.

Bits and Pieces

The transmission is finally installed in the truck. Jeff2 has been driving it to work and all appears well. It is really nice to have it back on the road. The poor thing seemed so sad sitting there for almost a year on ramps with the engine held up by a jack and its non-functioning transmission forlornly lying on the back porch.

#1 Daughter has finally procured employment. She starts her new job today. I hope that all goes well and that this is the beginning of her road to self sufficiency, something she has wanted for quite some time now. I wish her well in her journey. Both she and Hunter are anticipating the arrival of her SO, Mr. B. He has been working on moving here to be with his family.

Hunter is growing restless with having to be in the house. Between cold and rain he has not been able to play outside very much. #1 Daughter has begun some homeschooling with him and he is doing quite well learning letters, phonics and numbers. He really seems to enjoy the learning sessions, for the most part, but he is easily frustrated with trying to copy/write letters.

As for me, I just feel like I am stuck in a holding pattern waiting for the warmer temperatures of spring. I can see the work that needs to be done on the yard, but it is far too wet, muddy and intermittently cold to be able to do much yet. So I am trying to focus on the mundane cleaning chores in the house and plan the yard work to be done. I am also hoping to be able to have a garden so I am tentative plans for that as well.

We have had some major periods of rain over the last couple of days. There is evidence that the creek was over the bank at some point during the night. There are still large pools of water in the pasture along with the grass bent over from the flowing water. The creek is still very full and if we get another heavy shower it may come over the bank again. But the cistern is full and that is a very good thing.