Maybe it’s cabin fever…..

Now that the Valentines silliness is history we can look forward to the Easter silliness to go into full throttle.
Everywhere you go will be the baskets, duckies, chickies and bunnies. Bleack!
Along with the “gotta buy the perfect Easter outfit”…….so the stores will be loaded with the pastel frufru clothes for the females, and the pastel shirts etc for the guys.
People will actually get all dressed up in this frippery and parade to church, supposedly to worship. But this fashion show will be the gossip of the day. I can just hear the tongues wagging now……

I guess that I am turning into a grouchy old broad. Maybe that is a side effect of spending too much time in the house with no other human type interaction.

Only 11 shopping days left……

until Valentines Day.
What a load of crap. It is just another reason to go out and spend money, so you can prove to someone that you love them.
Well, go ahead. Far be it for me to tell you not to. You have a brain, or something taking up space between your ears, decide for yourself. I realise that is a radical concept.
Everywhere you look are ads for Valentines Day, and if that isn’t bad enough, lurking in the wings is Easter. Those damned bunnies are already showing up in every store you walk into. And you know what they say about rabbits.
Then even before they finally get rid of all the damned bunnies, who have multiplied like Tribbles in a grain bin, the retailers are hawking merchandise for Mothers Day. “If you love your mother you will buy her X.”
Followed closely by Fathers Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and every retailers nervana, Christmas.
I am worn out already.