Signs of Life

I went out for a walk around the property and was excited to see definite signs of life. The daffodils that are by the front gate have shot up 3 to 4 inches. The rhubarb out by the back fence is starting to put out some new leaves. The lilac bush in the front yard has the swelling of new buds forming.

It is so nice to see the beginnings of  life showing themselves. However, I also saw just how much work needs to be done on the yard itself. Besides the normal spring clean up, there are many holes that need to be filled in, reminders of the pyranese that inhabited the yard last year. There are also holes dug under the fence in various places that need to be repaired.

The saddest thing of all was the spot that held our first garden here. The area is completely choked by very large weeds. They were the only things that survived last years heat and drought. Most of the weeds are over my head. I would love to just set fire to the whole area to help get rid of the weed stalks and subsequent seeds. However, that area also is where the fruit trees were planted. Plus I am rather concerned that the surrounding dry grass in the pasture just might go up as well. Somehow I am going to have to get the weeds mowed down and the ground turned for this years garden.

I went out yesterday and picked up the seeds for the garden. I was amazed at the number of people there grabbing as many packets of seed as their hands could hold. It was as if this was the only place and the only day that seeds could be found. It really made picking out which seeds I wanted a challenge. But I finally got everything I was looking for. I am glad that I didn’t wait any longer to go and get them.

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